Examination in Nigeria- Do's and Dont's.

This is June and the semester/session is running to an end.  As a Nigerian student,  I am sure you are busy 'jacking' or burning the midnight candle and trying to put a whole encyclopedia  into your head. But let me assist you by telling you what to and what not to do in this exam period.

First and foremost, Do not read when you should be asleep.

You have heard a lot of adults say they burnt the midnight candle,  they read every night,  and blah blah blah. Never try to do that.  Why?  Because your brain will start eating up itself and then you will go brainless!

Secondly, Never put your legs in cold water while reading. 

You are trying to keep sleep away as you read your books but remember cold water will let you end up with cold,  headache, flu etc and you might fall sick on the day of exam and probably miss the exam and have a carry over.

Thirdly, Do not sit close to a very brilliant person during an exam. 

You think this sounds odd until you cancel all you have written in your answer booklet just because an intelligent person sitting close to you is not writing the same thing. You will definitely come back to write that course.

Finally,  Do not go into an exam hall without begging your village people.

If you think I am lying,  then tell me why you read heaven and earth and still end up with a 'D' or a missing script. If it is a carton of biscuit you can buy,  buy it and share for them before any examination.

Now since you know what you must not do, let us move to the things you should do.

Firstly, Eat well and sleep well.

Nigerian students have the habit of not satisfying their stomachs before reading and that is the wrongest thing to do. Do you know why? Your body starts to use the stores up glucose and you end up with fatigue and may not be able to study for another course.

Secondly, read bit by bit. 

After eating, take one of your note and read, read and jot down and when it is time for a test, read your jottings. That way you won't stress yourself. Read everyday, at least two to four hours a day from the beginning of the semester. If it is already too late, then divide your reading into sections like the way you take medicines after meals, morning, afternoon and night.

Thirdly, try to ask others to explain what they have read. 

That way you can add up more points and when you are lost in an exam, simple stories like that will revive your memory and you won't have to chew your pen throughout.

Finally, Use YouTube videos to support your reading.

There are many educational videos pertaining to the topic you are reading and studies have shown that students retain visuals to what they read. So endeavor to subscribe and use these videos to boost your knowledge. Good luck in your forthcoming examinations.

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